
Canadá inicia recrutamento recorde de brasileiros para preencher centenas de vagas de emprego; não há limite de idade para os candidatos

Se você sonha em trabalhar e morar no Canadá, esta é a grande oportunidade com processo seletivo para brasileiros até 4 de abril Nunca o currículo dos brasileiros foi tão desejado pelas empresas de Quebec como agora. Há muitas oportunidades de emprego internacional para uma carreira sólida no Canadá, onde profissionais de diversas áreas, [...]

2022-03-19T02:21:35-03:0019 mar 2022|Sem categoria|0 Comentários

Canada to welcome those fleeing the war in Ukraine

Canada remains steadfast in support of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Ukrainian immigrants have helped build this country, and we stand with the courageous people of Ukraine in upholding the values that our countries share. As part of the Government of Canada’s response to Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada [...]

2022-03-05T13:08:58-03:005 mar 2022|Sem categoria|0 Comentários

Ontario to make it easier for immigrants to work in their professions

TORONTO - Ontario is set to introduce legislation that would make it easier for immigrants to get licensed to work in professions that match their areas of expertise. Labour Minister Monte McNaughton said the proposed legislation would, if passed, prevent many regulatory bodies from requiring immigrants to have Canadian work experience to get licensed. [...]

2021-10-21T19:17:56-03:0021 out 2021|Sem categoria|0 Comentários

Tudo que você precisa saber sobre o mercado de trabalho no Brasil

A chegada da pandemia do novo coronavírus trouxe uma série de desafios para 2020. A economia como um todo sofreu: o PIB do Brasil chegou a registrar um tombo de 9,7% no segundo trimestre – o maior da história. E no mercado de trabalho não foi diferente: em decorrência da crise econômica, a taxa [...]

2021-06-02T15:54:39-03:002 jun 2021|Trabalho, Trabalho, Trabalho, Trabalho, Trabalho|0 Comentários

Thousands of skilled workers in Canada invited to stay permanently

Ottawa, February 13, 2021—As we confront the pandemic’s second wave and chart a course for our recovery, attracting skilled immigrants—who bring the talents and skills our economy needs to thrive—is a central part of our plan. With travel restrictions limiting who can come to Canada, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is pioneering new ways [...]

2021-02-14T11:59:26-03:0014 fev 2021|Sem categoria|0 Comentários

Quer trabalhar no Canadá? Québec oferece 217 vagas para brasileiros.

Claudia Varella Colaboração para o UOL, em São Paulo 08/01/2021 14h22 A província de Québec, no Canadá, está à procura de profissionais brasileiros nas áreas de tecnologia, games, saúde e manufatura/usinagem. São 217 vagas em 11 empresas. As inscrições, em francês, são gratuitas e estão abertas até o dia 17 de janeiro. Há vagas [...]

Viajantes terão de mostrar teste de Covid-19 para entrar no país de avião

O governo brasileiro passará a obrigar cidadãos brasileiros ou estrangeiros que chegarem ao país por via aérea a apresentar um teste para Covid-19 do tipo RT-PCR com resultado negativo para entrar no país a partir de 30 de dezembro. “O viajante de procedência internacional, brasileiro ou estrangeiro, deverá apresentar à companhia aérea responsável pelo [...]

2020-12-29T01:39:39-03:0018 dez 2020|Sem categoria|0 Comentários

IRCC announces opening date of special measures for refugee claimants working in health care during the pandemic

Recognizing the considerable contribution and sacrifice health-care workers have made in Canada throughout the pandemic, the Honourable Marco E. L. Mendicino, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, announced today that on December 14, 2020, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) will begin accepting applications for permanent residence from refugee claimants who work in Canada’s health-care sector and [...]

2020-12-29T01:44:08-03:0010 dez 2020|News|0 Comentários

Canada announces immigration measures supporting Hong Kong residents and Canadians in Hong Kong

Immigration is a key driver of Canada’s economic growth, and Canada continues to welcome the best and brightest from around the world, who help create jobs for Canadians. As we focus on accelerating our recovery, Canada will continue to be the world’s top destination for talent, capital, and jobs. Today, the Honourable Marco E. [...]

2020-12-29T01:46:56-03:0014 nov 2020|News, News, News|0 Comentários

Canada and US border closure extended for seventh time, now until November 21

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau has said that Canada will keep the border closed until US has pandemic under control Canada and the United States will keep their border closed until at least November 21 as the countries continue to fight the coronavirus pandemic. Canada’s Public Safety Minister Bill Blair confirmed the policy extension, which [...]

2020-12-29T02:04:23-03:0020 out 2020|Sem categoria|0 Comentários
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