

Thousands of skilled workers in Canada invited to stay permanently

Ottawa, February 13, 2021—As we confront the pandemic’s second wave and chart a course for our recovery, attracting skilled immigrants—who bring the talents and skills our economy needs to thrive—is a central part of our plan. With travel restrictions limiting who can come to Canada, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is pioneering new ways [...]

14 fev 2021|Categorias: Notícias, Trabalho|0 Comentários

Government of Canada announces further measures to support international students

News release Ottawa, February 12, 2021—International students bring so much to Canada, contributing more than $21 billion annually to our economy and supporting the vitality of our communities. The pandemic has presented myriad challenges for international students, and the Government of Canada has taken action to assist them through this difficult time with a [...]

14 fev 2021|Categorias: Estudo, News|0 Comentários

Quer trabalhar no Canadá? Québec oferece 217 vagas para brasileiros.

Claudia Varella Colaboração para o UOL, em São Paulo 08/01/2021 14h22 A província de Québec, no Canadá, está à procura de profissionais brasileiros nas áreas de tecnologia, games, saúde e manufatura/usinagem. São 217 vagas em 11 empresas. As inscrições, em francês, são gratuitas e estão abertas até o dia 17 de janeiro. Há vagas [...]

11 jan 2021|Categorias: Notícias, Trabalho|0 Comentários

Nouveau permis de travail pour retenir les étudiants étrangers

PHOTO ALAIN ROBERGE, ARCHIVES LA PRESSE La pandémie de coronavirus a considérablement réduit le flux d’étudiants étrangers au Canada. (Ottawa) Le gouvernement fédéral offre aux étudiants étrangers un nouveau permis de travail, dans le but de les convaincre de s’installer au Canada de façon permanente. Publié le 8 janvier 2021 à 18h02 STEPHANIE LEVITZ [...]

11 jan 2021|Categorias: News|0 Comentários

Viajantes terão de mostrar teste de Covid-19 para entrar no país de avião

O governo brasileiro passará a obrigar cidadãos brasileiros ou estrangeiros que chegarem ao país por via aérea a apresentar um teste para Covid-19 do tipo RT-PCR com resultado negativo para entrar no país a partir de 30 de dezembro. “O viajante de procedência internacional, brasileiro ou estrangeiro, deverá apresentar à companhia aérea responsável pelo [...]

18 dez 2020|Categorias: News, Notícias|0 Comentários

IRCC announces opening date of special measures for refugee claimants working in health care during the pandemic

Recognizing the considerable contribution and sacrifice health-care workers have made in Canada throughout the pandemic, the Honourable Marco E. L. Mendicino, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, announced today that on December 14, 2020, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) will begin accepting applications for permanent residence from refugee claimants who work in Canada’s health-care sector and [...]

10 dez 2020|Categorias: News, Notícias|0 Comentários
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