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So far denis has created 61 blog entries.

Nouveau permis de travail pour retenir les étudiants étrangers

PHOTO ALAIN ROBERGE, ARCHIVES LA PRESSE La pandémie de coronavirus a considérablement réduit le flux d’étudiants étrangers au Canada. (Ottawa) Le gouvernement fédéral offre aux étudiants étrangers un nouveau permis de travail, dans le but de les convaincre de s’installer au Canada de façon permanente. Publié le 8 janvier 2021 à 18h02 STEPHANIE LEVITZ [...]

2021-01-11T09:13:34-03:0011 jan 2021|News|0 Comentários

Viajantes terão de mostrar teste de Covid-19 para entrar no país de avião

O governo brasileiro passará a obrigar cidadãos brasileiros ou estrangeiros que chegarem ao país por via aérea a apresentar um teste para Covid-19 do tipo RT-PCR com resultado negativo para entrar no país a partir de 30 de dezembro. “O viajante de procedência internacional, brasileiro ou estrangeiro, deverá apresentar à companhia aérea responsável pelo [...]

2020-12-29T01:39:39-03:0018 dez 2020|News, Notícias|0 Comentários

IRCC announces opening date of special measures for refugee claimants working in health care during the pandemic

Recognizing the considerable contribution and sacrifice health-care workers have made in Canada throughout the pandemic, the Honourable Marco E. L. Mendicino, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, announced today that on December 14, 2020, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) will begin accepting applications for permanent residence from refugee claimants who work in Canada’s health-care sector and [...]

2020-12-29T01:44:08-03:0010 dez 2020|News, Notícias|0 Comentários

Canada announces immigration measures supporting Hong Kong residents and Canadians in Hong Kong

Immigration is a key driver of Canada’s economic growth, and Canada continues to welcome the best and brightest from around the world, who help create jobs for Canadians. As we focus on accelerating our recovery, Canada will continue to be the world’s top destination for talent, capital, and jobs. Today, the Honourable Marco E. [...]

2020-12-29T01:46:56-03:0014 nov 2020|News, Notícias|0 Comentários

Canada and US border closure extended for seventh time, now until November 21

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau has said that Canada will keep the border closed until US has pandemic under control Canada and the United States will keep their border closed until at least November 21 as the countries continue to fight the coronavirus pandemic. Canada’s Public Safety Minister Bill Blair confirmed the policy extension, which [...]

2020-12-29T02:04:23-03:0020 out 2020|News, Notícias|0 Comentários

Government of Canada announces details for opening of 2020 Parents and Grandparents Program

News release October 5, 2020—Ottawa—The Honourable Marco E. L. Mendicino, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, today announced details for the opening of the 2020 Parents and Grandparents (PGP) Program, building further on the government’s commitment to reuniting families. Over a 3-week period, from 12 p.m. EDT on October 13, 2020, to 12 p.m. [...]

2020-12-30T00:20:38-03:006 out 2020|News, Notícias|0 Comentários

Canada-U.S. border closure to be extended for another 30 days, say officials

The Canada-U.S. border has been closed to non-essential travel since March. (Ryan Remiorz/The Canadian Press) CBC News has confirmed that the agreement to restrict travel across the Canada-U.S. border will be extended into August. Senior government officials confirm the arrangement limiting border access to essential travel only will be rolled over for another 30 days. The agreement, which [...]

2020-12-30T00:23:40-03:0016 jul 2020|News, Notícias|0 Comentários

La frontière avec les États-Unis pourrait rester fermée jusqu’en 2021

La frontière canado-américaine pourrait rester fermée jusqu'à l'année prochaine, à moins qu'« un miracle se produise » pour faire baisser les taux de COVID-19 au sud de la frontière, selon le Dr Isaac Bogoch, spécialiste des maladies infectieuses. « Ils ont plus de 50 000 nouveaux cas par jour dans le pays et en plus, il ne semble pas [...]

2020-12-30T00:28:40-03:0010 jul 2020|News, Notícias|0 Comentários

Réforme en immigration : Québec assouplit les règles du PEQ

Nadine Girault, la nouvelle ministre de l'Immigration, a annoncé jeudi des ajustements concernant la réforme du Programme de l'expérience québécoise. PHOTO : RADIO-CANADA Les étudiants étrangers qui ont obtenu leur diplôme cette année ou qui l'auront d'ici la fin de l'année pourront finalement bénéficier des règles actuelles d’accès au Programme de l’expérience québécoise (PEQ), [...]

2020-12-30T00:48:29-03:009 jul 2020|News, Notícias|0 Comentários

Réforme du PEQ : Québec exige une plus grande expérience de travail

Un étudiant étranger qui veut postuler au Programme de l'expérience québécoise (PEQ) dans le but d'obtenir une résidence permanente devra désormais avoir travaillé durant au moins un an. Le ministre de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration a confirmé, jeudi, les éléments de réforme de ce programme déjà publiés par Radio-Canada il y a [...]

2020-12-30T00:55:28-03:0028 maio 2020|News, Notícias|0 Comentários
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